Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Coach

If You Make A Decision From Fear

What happens if you make a decision from fear? What options do you have?

One of the biggest stressors when it comes to decision making IS making decisions from fear.

I answer a listener question in this live video I did on my Facebook page. Watch this short video as I expand on what it means to make a decision on fear and the two options you have.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

The First Step To Solving A STRESSFUL Problem

Stress causes a lot of problems.

Problems cause a lot of stress.

But do they have to be negative in order for you to solve them?

Watch this short video on why I believe it’s a disservice when people help you “solve” your problems without addressing the ROOT CAUSE of why you have the problem in the first place.

Find someone who can help you unleash your inner most potential without falling into the trap of creating more problems in your life.

In wellness,


Seattle Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

About Failure…

Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Understand what failure means in your belief systems… and then you can actually overcome it.


In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach


There’s something amazing about declaring your goals and intent out into the world.

Maybe it’s the energetic act of pulling it out of your head & heart, and into the open.

Or, perhaps it’s the next step in creation itself to go from thought to voice.

Either way, these personal aspirations of mine have been on my heart for quite some time and I wanted to share it in hopes that it would spark some inspiration in your own aspirations as we turn another season.

  • I will act and serve in love over fear
  • I hope to impact as many people as I can
  • I will move my body in a way that serves me always
  • I will nourish my temple mindfully and thank it every day for what it does for me
  • I want to blow my own mind with what is possible
  • I will never forget the value of learning and evolving into my next best self
  • I hope to be inspiring 
  • I will live an interesting life
  • I want to die knowing I did everything I ever wanted to do without fear
  • I want to have the most fun as I can

Manifesto Inspiration to live an epic life

So what’s on your personal manifesto?

Am I missing some good ones?

Let me know and let’s share what we’ve got to offer in this epic life we have.

In wellness,


Friday Focus – 6/15/18 {How To Get Perspective Immediately}

Now that you know how Thought Management works at a high level and you understand just how powerful our brains are, you need to put it all into practice. This means getting to know your inner world – A LOT.

  • Understanding your bodily reactions to emotions
  • Fully feeling a feeling all the way through (approximately 90 seconds)
  • Noticing every thought
  • Restructuring non-serving thoughts

Warning: there will be those times when a situation seems extra sticky.

How to get perspective immediately

One way to gain perspective immediately when a certain situation is tough is to state out loud: “This thoughts is challenging”.

First, by speaking it out loud we aren’t creating a running loop in our minds. Secondly, when you label a thought as “challenging” you immediately create space between you and the thought – you become the observer.

If you want to up-level your thinking try watching the thought with compassion and curiosity. That’s when the real magic happens.

Thoughts are funny. They mean so much to us and yet they don’t need to mean anything at all. We decide to give one thought much more meaning than another (i.e., I’m not good enough vs. I love my effort), but who’s to really say the negative thought is true? The better question to ask is, “is this serving me?”.

Now I’m curious, what is one way you gain perspective when you need it the most? Share your most helpful tips. You never know who you might impact today 🙂

In wellness,


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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 4/27/18 {Trust The Path}

This week’s theme is trust.

So often I’ve heard over and over again how being confused about what next step to take can be one of the most frustrating experiences a human can go through. To feel lost, without purpose, and trying to get back up, but no North Star pointing the way. What’s a person to do?

At times like this I tell others, and myself, to trust the path you’re on.

Just trust it. Every discomfort, from the uncomfortable emotions to all the triggers, is for a bigger perspective we just can’t see yet.

I’d like to think of these moments as a gift from the Universe. As if God is saying, “let’s see if you can tackle this one” so that we can evolve to begin the next chapter.

Sometimes we need to shed a few unnecessary and un-serving layers within our psyche to finally see the path, and unfortunately this is going to take as long as it needs.

But what we have always is trust. When we trust we become open, and when we are open we become lighter, and with this lightness of our minds we open our awareness enough to have true sight about the situation.

And with this we can begin to lessen our grip on control and breathe in a sigh of relief that things are unfolding for our betterment, and our focus can be to see things with curiosity instead of fear.

Afterall, through this curiosity we just may see the ah-ha…

In wellness,


The Choice Is Yours

“In this moment at the window, I finally got it. If you want to become free or if you want to be bring more joy into your life, you must choose to change in certain ways. You must choose to learn about freedom. You must choose to learn about change. You must choose to change how you experience your problems. You must choose how you experience relationships. You must choose how you understand the universe. You must choose how you act, how you think, and how you live.”

~Owen Fitzpatrick

In wellness,


Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

How Many Times?

Have you ever counted your thoughts? Or noticed just how many times a specific thought automatically pops into your mind?

The funny part is that we do everything we can do solve “the thought” or analyze “the thought” in order to make it unimportant, not realizing there’s an equally if not more important thought that takes over. Oh the irony!

The point here is two fold:

  1. Meditation – the more you meditate the more easy it becomes to become aware of exactly how your mind operates. It’s like Joseph Goldstein once said, “If you want to understand your mind, sit down and observe it”. So simple, yet so true. Typically people misunderstand meditation as a practice to ignore or stop thoughts. However, the deeper, true practice is to sit back and be in awareness of the thought; to notice it, to say, “I see you”. When “seeing” the thought you’re recognizing it for what it is, a thought! The more you practice the more you’ll begin to observe in what patterns and reactive ways your mind tends to lean toward; and you’ll begin to notice just how habituated your thinking and so called “problem solving” skills truly are. It’s quite fascinating.
  2. There’s nothing but the present – we’ve heard this one before, but it’s true and it’s important. If we already know a thought will be taken over by another thought, aside from meditation, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to enjoy THIS present moment. I liken this to a bumpy car ride. You know the ride is going to be bumpy and you’re already on it; are you going to torture yourself by thinking how horrible it is and ask yourself, “will I survive this?”, OR are you going to stare out the window and see just how magical the world is, as well as get to know the people next to you on a more intimate level? If we don’t choose the latter we miss the beauty, magic, and love that is right in front of us when we become wrapped up in our heads thinking the thought is the most important thing!

Did I mention homework?

It’s this – begin to notice your thoughts.

You’ll be quite surprised at just how little a variety of thoughts you actually think in a day, and you will notice it’s about the same 3-5 things your mind wants to mull over again, and again, and did I mention, again?

Here’s to more clarity, simplicity, and peace of our minds.

In wellness,


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

What Is It You Desire?

So often we focus on what is going wrong in our lives or our day… but how often do we spend time thinking of what we already have or would rather have?

I see way too many people focus on what is lacking, versus the abundance that already is, or the possibility of what is to come!

Take a moment to answer this question and don’t skip ahead 😉

  • What are the 3 words that pop into your mind with this word: Job

Pause a moment

Pause a moment

Pause a moment

Pause a moment

Pause a moment

Pause a moment


Ok, do you have your 3 words? How easy was it to come up with the words? What were the FIRST words that popped into your head before you started analyzing for the perfect 3 words?

You see, there are categories of words that reflect your own resonance with the word “Job”. For example:

  • Words that are similar to: Sucks, 9-5, Ok, Annoying, Not Fulfilling, etc. tend to reflect all the things that are going wrong.
  • Words that are similar to: Love, Thankful, Creative, Friends, Mentors, etc. reflect all the things that are enabling you to feel gratitude and the things that are going well.

This exercise is a great way to see in which areas of your life you focus on the lack rather than the abundance/desire.

You can apply this exercise to any word and you might be surprised to see what words pop into your head. And of course, try not to analyze or change the words right away. The point here is to allow yourself to be honest with what comes up so you can pinpoint what’s truly going on.

Do you see how changing your focus can make you see and feel things differently? How one word can change your enter feeling state toward something much more positive and healthy?

Give it a shot today, focus on what’s working or what you’re sure is coming into your life and see just how different the world looks.

In Abundance,


Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

Patterns That Run Our Self

“Breaking the chains of your self involves learning how you imprison yourself through your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings and discovering had to change them and set yourself free.”

~Owen Fitzpatrick

In wellness,


Photo by Raw Pixel