How Doing Something New Can Lead To Discovering A New Side Of You

As Summer slowly comes to an end so does my experiment with clay (but not for long…).

For as long as I can remember I’ve had a deep curiosity with this art form. For better or for worse, the timing never showed it’s prime opportunity so it wasn’t until this year, 2017, where I had a chance to take the dive into learning all things clay. And boy was it AMAZING.

Getting lost in how the clay feels, structuring the slabs, to learning how to center my first piece on the wheel were only some of the highlights from this Summer. I can’t tell you the amount of burst out loud laughs erupted from the studio as I and these newfound friends shared life stories.

I’m forever a proponent of switching things up, doing something new, and re-discovering yourself all over again, and I’m so glad clay was my form of outlet this Summer.

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This light…
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Making nature inspired cheese boards
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First firing
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Studio mate’s beautiful work
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Raku firing
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Finished pieces
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Lotus bowl
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Experimental Third Eye Cup
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Idaho Buff with simple glazes

I’ve found another form of meditation and a new part of myself through clay. This will certainly be a part of my life and I can’t wait to see how this new journey unfolds.

Here’s to trying new things and going after the small inklings we feel throughout our lives, because you never know what you might discover until you find out.

In wellness,


Getting Creative With Ceramics

I’ve been writing a lot about creativity and allowing your deeper self to play, have fun, and explore. If you haven’t checked out the 5 days of POWERFUL QUESTIONS do it now! It is all about finding your own creativity and how to show up in this world in our own authentic way.

If you’ve been following along you know one of my biggest and playful outlets has been working with CLAY! Learning from others, making new friends, and most importantly LETTING GO of all expectations has been the **best** part of this Summer’s creative experiment.

I remember the first day I entered the studio I had such a hard time creating pieces. The ideas weren’t flowing. Then, the moment I started creating for others it’s as if my hands couldn’t move faster than the ideas.

(Friends, you know what you’re getting for Christmas right?)

Something else I learned while being in the studio? Detachment. Letting go. Surrendering. Clay is funny, some days you get it right, and other days it decides to break or deform overnight. Allowing what is to just be (yes, even the pieces you lovingly worked on), and enjoying the process is what makes the 3 hours a day not only feel magical but go by **real** fast.

I can’t believe there’s only a few precious weeks left of studio timeā€¦ and I still have another 25+ pound bag of clay! I am looking forward to deeper play, honoring my creativity, and allowing the magical alchemy of surrender influence the next few pieces. Time to get to WORK!

In wellness,
