Making Everything New Again

As I was sitting down to write I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. As I took another sweet breath of fresh air the thoughts suddenly faded and suddenly I could hear silence.

I heard the tick tock of two different clocks, the distant base of a passing car, the birds happily chirping, and the sound of my own inhale and exhale. Then suddenly more new sounds started to introduce themselves! A skwak of a crow, new cars passing by, a buzz from my phone. And in this new moment I am reminded of a great truth I learned earlier on – every moment is a new moment.

A strikingly simple way to be fully alive and present in the moment is to be still and discover what’s new in this very moment. You’ll suddenly realize you can’t stop! Everything is new all the time. You’ll notice the presence in a completely different way and suddenly you are the observer.

The more you practice this the more you will also realize how many “new” and some times not so new thoughts pass through your mind all the time. But you’ll be so busy noticing what’s new in the moment there won’t be time to indulge. This is the practice.

So give it a shot. Try to experience the present by making everything new again. You’ll begin to feel an expansion in your heart and feel alive in a whole new way… at the aliveness of it all; the pulsation of life.

Here’s to another wonderful week full of new.

In wellness,


Photo by Danka & Peter on Unsplash

Wheels of Life

Friday Focus – 6/2/17 {It’s JUNE!}


Can you believe it? I can’t…. we are half way through 2017!

In the previous seasons I would be revisiting goals and/or intentions I had set at the beginning of the year, but I find myself in a space where the focus is truly on NOW. The present.

Some of the questions I find myself asking this season include:

~ Am I enjoying the day? Right now?

~ Am I being with what is?

~ Can I open up fully in grace, love, and light?

~ Can I connect openly and deeply with myself and others?

~ What seeds am I planting in the areas of love, relationships, community, and deep connection?

~ Can I open to the breath, and the next breath, and the next, and the next?

This season I am loving this gentle opening and space for the present. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with re-visiting goals either! I am just noticing what is needed for me in this moment. How about you? Are you in a season for more opening? acceptance? love? ambition? speed? dreaming? harvesting?

No matter the season may this be a moment to reflect on what is needed most in this moment for your heart, body, mind, and soul.
