Friday Focus – 1/27/16

How do we want to remember our lives?

I was struck by a passage in one of the books I am reading, “The Mindful Path through Worry and Rumination: Letting Go of Anxious and Depressive Thoughts“, by Sameet M. Kumar Ph.D.

This made me think, through what lens have I been remembering my past? Through what lens am I living my life NOW? And finally, through what lens do I want to live my life in the future? At the end of the day, how do I want to remember all this?

I come back, again and again, to reminding myself of the infinite power we have within ourselves to choose our thoughts.

If your current state of being is one of anxiety, worry, fear or chronic stress, ask yourself the question – what am I predominately thinking about? Very often what we think about induces your state.

Continue reading “Friday Focus – 1/27/16”


Ever have a moment when you come across a person, book, text, or a line from a tv show and you just KNEW it was a message from the Universe? Perhaps you’ve been meditating on a certain question or something has been on your mind, occupying huge chunks of time from your day, only to wonder to yourself whether what you came across was a coincidence or a divine moment of truth? 🙂

I don’t know about you but I have certainly had these moments many times before.

Continue reading “Seasons”