Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach

Are You Making The RIGHT Decision?

We all have those moments in our lives where we need to make a decision.

But what if both decisions didn’t need to be wrong or right?

Are you making your decisions from fear or abundance?

Watch this quick video as I speak to what most people believe when it comes to decisions, and what I prefer to believe.

In wellness,


Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach, Seattle Executive Coach

How To Stand Your Ground And Have Your BACK

Do you have your own back in every situation?

No matter WHO you’re with or surrounded by?

Do you stand by your word and not budge? Not even a little?

This live video shares how I stood my own ground NO MATTER WHAT, and how having your own back builds confidence and commitment.

Think to yourself, how do you want to act, behave, and what would you say in your specific situation?

Plan ahead and commit.

In wellness,
