Seattle Stress Management Coach; Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

It’s A Wrap!

2018 was an incredible year.

And let me be clear, 2018 was incredible not because of the goals or how much “good” came from it, but because it simply was.

Seattle Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

You see, that is the beauty of who you are and the life you get to live.

You don’t need for certain things to happen for you or your life to be good.

You already ARE good. LIFE is already good.

Let that sink in a bit.

So as you step into another beautiful year, make goals because you want to, not because you have to in order to feel good about your life.

When you come from a place of already having enough, every thought, feeling, and action you take only comes from a bigger source that allows you to enjoy the journey while claiming your destination.

So what is it that you wish to achieve in 2019?

Imagine it already done.

How would you think, feel, and act as a result of already having achieved it?

THAT is how you want to carry yourself from the beginning.

Repeat to yourself: it is already done.

Happy New Year. May you find yourself with a clearer mind and heart so that you can see the good that already surrounds you.

In wellness,



Seattle & SF Stress Management Coach, Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Presence & Anticipation

Spend each day like it’s Christmas Eve. Enjoying every moment of the present, with sincere anticipation of everything good tomorrow.


In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Coach

You Got Your Goal. Now What?

I’ve been watching a documentary following a group of people along a journey walking the Camino de Santiago to their final destination Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It’s been fascinating to watch because it brings to light just how true the saying goes, “it’s all about the journey, not the destination”.

And if you’re at all familiar with dopamine and how the brain works, then you know all too well once you’ve maintained a level of “reward” in the brain, it needs higher levels to feel rewarded.

Seattle Stress Management & Burnout Coach, Adrenal Fatigue Coach

That’s what happens to us when we reach our goal. For a time being we’re ecstatic. We’re walking on cloud nine because it’s what we wanted ALL along!

Then comes the inevitable questions, “Is this it? What’s next?”

What I want you to know is this is completely normal. Your brain needs another reward, AND as human beings we crave evolution… so naturally, you’re going to want to stretch yourself and target a new goal.

Are you starting to see the cycle?

There IS no final destination folks! We’re all in it for the journey because your goal keeps evolving.

To some, this is terrible news… but to others, this is a HUGE relief!

Now you’re in the mindset of enjoying the process, because the process is ALL THERE EVER WAS AND IS.

So keep that in mind…

There’s no rush to your goal, because goals are forever. It’s about enjoying every minute of every day because the journey will determine how you live your life.

The only moment we have is now. How will you use it?

In wellness,



Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Interview: Going DEEP On Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue with Rosalia Rivera

I had the pleasure of being on Rivera Represents with Rosalia Rivera where I was a guest, and we went deep into what burnout & adrenal fatigue looks like and some tips on how to prevent it.. especially for busy moms and entrepreneurs!

We talked about the initial warning signs of burnout, why it’s so sneaky to identify, what boundaries really are, and why you need to address everything with neutrality.

Watch this video and let me know what you think!

Remember, every body responds uniquely to stress. Be critically aware of how it shows up for you and do the work in identifying what mental, physical, and emotional triggers are present for you that cause “stress” in your life so you can begin to address the root cause.

Be well friends.

In wellness,


Seattle Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Coach

How To Plan A Successful 2019 (without burnout)

Well, it’s that time of year! The time where we wind down, reflect on the past 11 months, and re-prioritize what we truly want out of life. To be honest, I’m not one to encourage resolutions. Instead, I aim for one, big, gigantic goal – without the stress and overwhelm of trying to meet it.

You might be thinking, “Well, that sounds counter intuitive”, but I’m going to explain exactly why it’s the best thing you can do for yourself if you truly want REAL results, without the stress and near burnout moments.

Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Coach

First, let me explain the goal. I want you to think real hard about a singular goal that seems impossible, but if you really achieved it, it might just feel as if you won the lottery. It could be the dream number on the scale, the partnership you always romanticized about, finally getting THE promotion at work, or perhaps it’s as simple as meditating every single day no matter what.

Remember, it has to be almost impossible for you to believe it could actually happen. Maybe even scare you a little. Ok… a lot.

Now, the purpose of dreaming big here is so that you understand you WILL fail.

You will fail multiple times trying to achieve this goal of yours. And if you think about, if you’re trying to achieve something you have never done before in your life… doesn’t it make sense you’d come across numerous, various obstacles because it’s new? Think about watching babies trying to walk. They need to fail multiple, even hundreds of times to finally reach a new level of strength, capability, and growth.

Who’s to say as adults we should never fail in order to reach our new edge?

With that said, I want you now to list every possible failure you could think of in trying to reach this big goal of yours. Let’s say your big goal is to meditate daily. A few failures you might come up with might include:

  • Getting sick
  • Waking up late
  • Needing to tend to the kids
  • Feeling too anxious to sit still
  • Being on vacation
  • Feeling as if you don’t need meditation that day
  • etc.

Listing out every failure you could possible think of serves a couple of purposes:

  1. It removes the “unknown” when it comes to reaching your one, big goal. Now that you understand there will be failures, you can now properly prepare to mitigate against these possible risks.
  2. It removes the stress and overwhelm of the fear of failure. Look, the point of creating one, BIG goal is to fail! Once you understand you likely won’t reach that goal (though I always like to leave room for the impossible!), you now have space for curiosity, playfulness, creativity, and possibility. Now, THAT is a much friendlier place for growth and miracles wouldn’t you say?

A couple of you might be thinking, why just one? Why not go for at least two, or even three?

I always respond with this: our human brains can only focus on one thing at a time. We must identify what area of our life we want to make the biggest impact on, and go ALL IN. This means making it our SINGULAR FOCUS and not wavering. This means, declaring a decision and committing to oneself for the next 365 days of 2019.

Because here’s the truth about it all, while we may not reach out one, big goal… we will achieve SO MUCH MORE as a byproduct of having gone for said goal.

Think of all of the new habits, new level of mindset and maturity, and every other way your life will be improved from this commitment.

So, with that said, a good goal wouldn’t be complete without quantifiable metrics. Plan each quarter accordingly. If it’s a weight goal, include the new weight you plan to reach by each quarter. If it’s a new career, plan exact outcomes you plan to reach for each quarter; this could be the number of interviews you plan to do by Q1, transition to the new role by Q2, etc.

Because I’m a visual person I decided to provide a free goal planner to anyone who wants to join me in this impossible goal planning for 2019. Here’s a preview of what it looks like;

Seattle Stress Management and Burnout Coach

Just enter your name and email and it will be sent to you right away! Click here to download it now.

What one, big goal are you dreaming of?

Regardless of how impossible it seems or what anyone says – nurture it. Dream big, fail hard, and start reaping the benefits because this I know for sure: no matter the outcome… you are already worth it.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout

Feeling Breakable

If you’re a human being then most likely there have been times in your life when you resisted certain situations, people, or events in your life because of one thing – feeling breakable.

What does it mean to feel breakable?

To most, this means the thought of enduring, or experiencing, a specific event causes you to avoid the event, person, or thing in order to not feel the future discomfort of feeling an unwanted emotion.

Perhaps for you it’s as simple as not attending a reunion.

Or how about finding an intimate relationship?

And it can be as small as avoiding public speaking at work.

Whatever it may be for you, I invite you to take some time now to write out a list of all the future events or milestones you haven’t achieved yet because of this fear of feeling breakable.

Susan Choi Wellness (1)

Now that you know specifically what those situations are, I want you to take a hard look at them.

Notice how the discomfort of how you feel now is not any different from the future presupposed discomfort of what you think you will feel then.

The truth is, you are dissatisfied either way.

The only reason why you are so afraid of taking action on those things is because you believe, somewhere in your subconscious mind, that you are incapable of being able to handle it.

But is that the truth?

Let me put it this way.

Is that the truth you WANT to believe?

Because if you desire to believe it to be another way…. go get help now.

And if you don’t want to get help, the fastest way to jump through this illusion is to understand the only thing in your way of getting what you want, is an EMOTION.

Really think about that.

You believing you are emotionally breakable is because of what you think an emotion will do to you.

But what WILL happen to you?

That’s the other thing I see many people do, is they never follow through on the thought.

They create a mental picture of what this emotion will do to them in that moment, and never finish the story.

So what will happen?

Will you cry?


Bury yourself under the sheets?

You won’t die that’s for sure.

So what was it for you when you finished your story?

I’ll bet it wasn’t as scary as you thought it was huh?

Because here’s the thing….

You will never get what you want, if you don’t take one small step toward evolving yourself to the next level.

Whether it’s seeking help, doing one small, brave thing each day, or biting the bullet and going after what it is you really want… you must take ACTION.

So, what will you do now?

Now that you know an emotion is what is between you and what you desire… what now?

Go do it.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Coach

If You Make A Decision From Fear

What happens if you make a decision from fear? What options do you have?

One of the biggest stressors when it comes to decision making IS making decisions from fear.

I answer a listener question in this live video I did on my Facebook page. Watch this short video as I expand on what it means to make a decision on fear and the two options you have.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

The First Step To Solving A STRESSFUL Problem

Stress causes a lot of problems.

Problems cause a lot of stress.

But do they have to be negative in order for you to solve them?

Watch this short video on why I believe it’s a disservice when people help you “solve” your problems without addressing the ROOT CAUSE of why you have the problem in the first place.

Find someone who can help you unleash your inner most potential without falling into the trap of creating more problems in your life.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

How To Live A More Meaningful Life Amidst Adrenal Fatigue

What does it mean to live a meaningful life amidst adrenal fatigue? If you’re experiencing deep burnout, or perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue… chances are you’ve been in a cycle of worry, stress, and overwhelm for quite some time.

Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout


Maybe, because of adrenal burnout you’ve been searching for this so called “meaning”.

But let me get straight to the point.

To search for this so called meaning presupposes you don’t have meaning in your life RIGHT NOW.

This confuses the part of yourself that understands there is nothing absolutely wrong with you in this very moment.

And because our brain can only focus on one thing at a time, when we choose to focus on the lack, or the problem in this case, all we invite into our life is the meaning-LESS of what our life is.

So, what is a person to do?

If you want to live a more meaningful life amidst adrenal fatigue, the best thing you can do for yourself is to appreciate what “meaning” you already have in your life today.

What brings a smile to your face?

What small joy do you have that you take for granted?

How can you help someone today?

Who you can love on just a little more today? Whether they deserve it or not?

What small gesture can you do for yourself as a show of appreciation for who you already are?

When we begin building appreciation for what we have something magical happens.

Ever heard that saying, “what you focus on grows”?

The same is true for your own experience.

Start appreciating every small moment in your life and you suddenly realize you are living your best life in THIS VERY MOMENT.

It’s never about what we don’t have…

… it’s ALWAYS about what we have in this moment in time.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach

Are You Making The RIGHT Decision?

We all have those moments in our lives where we need to make a decision.

But what if both decisions didn’t need to be wrong or right?

Are you making your decisions from fear or abundance?

Watch this quick video as I speak to what most people believe when it comes to decisions, and what I prefer to believe.

In wellness,
