Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach

Are You Making The RIGHT Decision?

We all have those moments in our lives where we need to make a decision.

But what if both decisions didn’t need to be wrong or right?

Are you making your decisions from fear or abundance?

Watch this quick video as I speak to what most people believe when it comes to decisions, and what I prefer to believe.

In wellness,


emotional management coach, adrenal fatigue and burnout coach

It’s OK To Be Sad

How long should you feel sad?

Too many times I see people outsmarting their way out of sadness.

Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach, Emotional Management Coach

They understand they don’t “need” to feel sad but their bodies are saying, “yes, you do”.

And that’s where the argument begins.

When your body isn’t aligned with what you think, suddenly there’s resistance.

And what does resistance bring?

Suffering. Unnecessary stress.

While there comes a point where we begin to indulge in apathy and should look toward the future, without properly processing emotions and thoughts you will only continue to bring the past into the present.

So what needs to happen?

Feel it. All of it.

Let every tear roll…

Let the ache in your throat and heart expand.

And listen.

Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Need more comfort?

A day off?

More tea?

More…. love?

Only you have the answer within, but how will you ever know if you don’t stop to listen?

So if you’re going through a rough patch… no matter how big or small…

… give yourself some grace.

Love yourself a little harder,

because it’s all going to be just fine.

You are already just fine.

In wellness,



Interview with Mia Danielle and Susan Choi, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Interview with Mia Danielle of Minimalism + Intentional Living

I had the lovely opportunity to be interviewed by the Mia Danielle of Minimalism + Intentional Living.

As a person who strives to be minimal, to meet a minimalist who also shares my passion for neuroscience was my idea of an incredibly fun time!

I share my story about my greatest teacher, what adrenal fatigue is, and how to see any situation for what it really is.

In conclusion, circumstances are never the problem, it is our thoughts about it that cause us massive unnecessary suffering and stress in our lives.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Mindset, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach

How To Maintain A High Performance Mindset

So you have all the tools and the know how to a high performance mindset…

… but how do you maintain it?

How do athletes maintain peak performance?

How do speakers remain top paid speakers?

How do the likes of Sheryl Sandberg and Elon Musk stay on top of their game?

Watch this video to find out.

The answer is always simple, but is it easy? Depends on your mindset 😉

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management and Burnout Coach

Sharing My Mindset Routine: Morning, Mid-Day AND Evening!

As a coach who coaches smart people, I get asked about my morning routine… a LOT.

But what I like to respond with is, “Oh, you mean my mindset routine?”

I don’t just practice this in the morning or evening…. I do it ALL DAY LONG and I’m sharing it all in this video below.

Watch this video to get an inside peek of my mindset routine:

So tell me, what is YOUR routine that works best for you?

In wellness,


P.S. For even more content, find me over at Facebook and Instagram!

Seattle Stress Management and Burnout Coach

Why Hope Is Not A Good Strategy

Hope is such a pretty word isn’t it?

Or how about “I wish…”

But what’s missing when we say something such as, “I hope…?”

Watch this video to learn why HOPE isn’t such a pretty word when used in the wrong context:

If you loved this video, join me over on Facebook for even more content!

To the other side of your hope,


Heal the past Coach

Do You Let Your Past Affect You?

In this video I break down how your past affects you now AND in the future if you don’t know how to handle it.

Remember, if you want to do new things, be a better person, or simply uplevel your life you must, think and feel new thoughts and emotions. What got you here, simply won’t get you there.

Think outside the box my friends!

In wellness,


Seattle Stress and Overeating Coach

One Simple Rule To Get Your Precious TIME Back!

We all wish we had MORE time in the day, but what if you really COULD get more time back?

I’m sharing one simple rule to help you get ALL your precious time back.

And it’s simple folks!

Like I said folks, SIMPLE!

What are some ways you plan to implement this rule in your life?

In wellness,



Seattle Stress Management Coach

What If Success Were Inevitable?

If your success were inevitable how would you act, think, feel, BELIEVE differently about your journey?

In this video I go even further and talk about a concept, the “same 10 miles” to get to your final destination.

Whatever you’re going through, just remember… the way you go about your journey will make or break your experience.

You got this.

In wellness,


Learn if this one thing is keeping you in BURNOUT.

Learn If THIS Is Keeping You In Burnout

If anyone’s been through burnout it’s me, and I can’t say it was pretty.

And if you’ve been there yourself, most likely you’re nodding along with the words on this page.

Learn the one thing keeping you in burnout... and trust me it's NOT work!


While on the surface there seems to be many reasons for burnout, there is only one source of it.

Your mind.

You see, if you have a ton of things you’re juggling in your life right now, and especially if you’re Type A to boot, well most likely there’s a sense of urgency driving you to do the things you do.

And if you’re in burnout then you are always, and I mean always, driving yourself from a sense of lack or fear.

The one exception there is are results. If you can look at the past 30 days and physically account for the new results you created in your life, then yes hun… take the break (and if you’re fearful of taking the break then that’s a whole other issue we need to discuss!).

But if you can’t find the results and most of your explanations are in your thoughts, then at least we have something to dissect so that we can get to the core of the issue.

Take a look at these questions below and block out 30 minutes for yourself to take an honest inventory:

  • What am I most hard on about myself?
  • When was the last time I treated myself because I was proud vs. because I was tired?
  • How do I talk to myself when I am embarrassed or failed at something?
  • What do I say when I look in the mirror?
  • Do I spend too much time thinking about what decisions I should make?
  • How often do you think about what other people think about you?
  • Do you reach for the wine, the bag of chips, or incessantly check Instagram the moment you don’t feel good?

The way you talk to yourself stem from a thought you have about the situation and ultimately yourself.

Once we address THIS, it will determine whether you continue down the path to burnout or recovery.

So tell me…

How often do you think thoughts of success? Abundance? Love?


How often do you think thoughts of fear? Worry? Confusion? Scarcity?

The honest truth is that burnout is never caused by working too much. When you accept the moments for what they are, you can put in the hours and never feel as if you worked.

Burnout is caused by the thoughts you have about the situations in your life. Ultimately it is what you are resisting, and when you argue against reality you will always lose.

So what can you do?

You think better thoughts.

No one ever tell us we can choose our thoughts, but we can.

This is true personal power.

Once you realize you are the director of your own movie you are now playing at the causal level.

No longer are you being tossed around like a leaf by the wind. You ARE the wind itself.

So be responsible. Take charge. Own your thoughts and commit to the future you want.

No one is here to save us, and that is good news my friends because now we can finally take action of our own lives.

In wellness,
