Giving Thanks

As Thanksgiving rolls around the corner I wanted to share a bit of what I am most grateful for this year. If you’ve been around the blog at all you know that I don’t reserve gratitude for just the holidays, but I do love how this Season offers a time to quietly reflect on what has unfolded the last few months and re-focus our attention on what matters most to our hearts.

How about you? How do you treat this time of year? Besides the delicious food and pumpkin spice everything that is… 😉

With that said, here’s my list of reflections:

  • I am in constant awe of the immense peace that is present when we allow things to unfold in its own timing
  • I am excited for what the future holds despite not knowing at all what to expect
  • Faith has been an ever present theme in my life and I can only hope to share and instill more of this peace by continuously sharing via this blog
  • Writing has been a gift. As much as I love hearing from you all it is just as much as a gift to myself as it is to others. It’s the gift that keeps giving!
  • I am reminded again and again what is most important in life: health, peace, and contentment
  • If we can learn to use our breath as a way to deepen our experiences and come back to the moment we have achieved a great deal
  • I am grateful for the many creative endeavors and experiences I have had this year

Most of all I am thankful for you and this blog for allowing me to connect and to share. Life is a journey and I am forever grateful for the many souls that I have met.

Wishing you a very beautiful Thanksgiving holiday filled with joy, laughter, and peace.

In wellness,


The beautiful photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Can it get any better?

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays. The smell of all things delicious baking in the oven, the bouts of laughter coming from all corners of the house, the crackling of the fireplace, saying grace and sharing what we’re thankful for… I mean, can it get any better?

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for so much. To name a few I am thankful for…

  • Peace… and the grace that as human beings we even have the freedom to surrender in order to obtain peace
  • God’s love, which we have access to at any given moment, 24/7
  • The freedom of choice
  • Support
  • This body which has gone through thick and thin with me

I would love to hear some of yours  ðŸ™‚  What are you most grateful for?

My deepest wishes to you for a very grateful Thanksgiving with family, friends, and community.

Love & Peace friends.