How To Love Every Situation (Even The Bad Ones)

There’s irony in tough situations. Why?

Well for one, when we are in some of the hardest times of our lives the easiest thing we most often choose to do is ignore, delay, bury, or distract ourselves from the very thing that causes us pain and suffering!

You’re probably wondering, “You’re mistaken because none of this feels easy!”, and you’re right. From the outside it’s tough. We muster up every ounce of our energy to get through the day and push through until one day we feel a bit better and can move onto something else… until it comes up again.

But what if I told you that the harder thing to do would be the fastest way to feeling better?

Not that feeling better should be the goal, nor should getting anywhere faster be the right way, but these are some of the benefits of going harder and faster. Let me tell you why…

When we ignore the situation we’re in, we are burying a part of ourselves that doesn’t want to face the music so to speak. There’s fear of the unknown, fear of more hurt, and our minds are so powerful it convinces us there’s no need to go there.

That’s where TRANSFORMATION comes into play.

When we learn to go in and face the demons we are telling a deeper part of ourselves that we are ready. We are ready to learn, dig deep, love every part of ourselves, and transform the situation and ultimately, ourselves.

We are pushed to our transformative edge so that we can actually get to where we want to be. The old adage is true, no pain, no gain. Sometimes we need to step through and into the unknown (perceived pain and fear) in order to come out the other end. Otherwise, we are metaphorically always on the other side of where we ultimately want to be!

Can you remember a time in your life where you faced the situation and/or your demons and came out completely different? Revived even?

Every time I do the work to face inward I come back again and again to a wider more expansive heart. The true self, and therefore realize the truth in each situation.

Every situation only brings you closer to YOUR TRUTH, and that’s how we come to love every situation – yes, even the “bad” ones. When we meet our transformative edge we are always growing to become the person we always wanted to be.

In wellness,


Photo by Alphacolor 13 on Unsplash

A Shift

I had this urge to blog since last year, but it wasn’t until this year, in June, where I decided to at least set up the site. A ton of questions arose –

  • What will I write about? Don’t I need a focus?
  • Will I be anonymous?
  • SHOULD I be anonymous?
  • What will the title of my blog be?
  • Who is going to read this?
  • What is my purposes in writing?

Since I’ve started small businesses before I knew these were all typical questions our ego likes to inundate us with in order to STALL THE PROCESS. Yes, stall the process.

Continue reading “A Shift”


Ever have a moment when you come across a person, book, text, or a line from a tv show and you just KNEW it was a message from the Universe? Perhaps you’ve been meditating on a certain question or something has been on your mind, occupying huge chunks of time from your day, only to wonder to yourself whether what you came across was a coincidence or a divine moment of truth? 🙂

I don’t know about you but I have certainly had these moments many times before.

Continue reading “Seasons”