Soul Session on FIRE

Last evening I had a Soul Session that was on fire.

I listened to what was weighing heavily on the heart and other life difficulties. We discussed a multitude of possibilities, but above all else we got to the core of what it means to be living NOW. To be at peace and knowing we are held; we are loved; we are perfectly where we need to be; we are perfect.

That said, what I really wanted to write about was the awe and gratitude that never ceases to amaze me.

Last evening was conducted over the phone, and what amazes me is how I am always matched with the right client and the right client always finds me. The growth we both feel can be none other than God at work. The Universe really does match people for a soul union and lasting relationship!

The kindness, bravery, and vulnerability it takes to be open and willing to face the truth is deeply respected and honored in sacred space.

I am always honored and humbled at each connection I make. My only wish is for a growing and expansive heart opening so that a bit more peace, love, and wisdom can enter the lives to all I connect with.

Thank you to all whom I have connected with and will continue to connect with. Your humility, grace, and inner wisdom is absolutely beautiful and I am honored to be witness to your life journey.

Forever yours,


When You Find Your People

Yesterday I knew I was in for a treat.

Do you have one of those friends that you likely knew in a past life? One of those friends where as you exchange words, thoughts, and feelings you both just get it? One of those friends you know you can run to and pour your heart out knowing there is no judgement?

Well, that dear friend happened to be in town for a business trip and I got to squeeze in dinner before she flew back to San Francisco.

And during this time (and even now) my heart was filled. So full from our heart felt conversations. Almost makes you realize this is what life should really be about. Growth, connection, and love.

It’s how you feel after coming back from vacation. Relaxed and knowing the world is good. YOU are good.

The beautiful part is that we didn’t do anything particularly special. We met for burgers, went for a walk along the water, chatted about life, and hugged it out before she hopped into a Lyft.

It’s in these seemingly mundane moments where all the magic happens.

When you can be comfortable being in and being seen in moments like this, that’s when you know there’s something special. To be real, raw, and wide open is the real beauty of finding your people. ?

So how do you find these people? Your people?!

I can only speak from my own experience but I’ve noticed three things in particular when it comes to finding the people that light you up and vice versa:

  • Do what you love and interests YOU
    • This has always worked without fail. I have met the most incredible people when attending workshops, at yoga, moon circles, meetups, and while I don’t crossfit as much as I used to, some of the my closest and dearest friends have come from this amazing community. Because I loved every moment of where and what I was spending my time in it was only natural this would increase my chances of meeting like minded/interested people. With that being said, SHINE. Do not hide your true colors and be yourself. After all, the goal is to find your people, right? 🙂
  • Be patient
    • When I look back at some of my closest friends one thing I notice is that it took time. Sure there are some friends whom you meet and it’s an instant attraction and soul connection, but even then in order to make it a lasting friendship it requires repetition and depth. People need a familiar face and time to know both you and they are safe and that they can open up to you as well.
  • Have faith
    • The last thing you want is to feel stressed or down about this. This lowers your energy and detracts from what you truly want to feel which is light, open, and love. Have faith that things are unfolding the way it is meant to unfold and surrender this desire to God. Knowing you are doing your best and having faith is one of the best alchemies out there.

As I write this I can’t help but feel so much gratitude for the people in my life and for the love in my heart I feel for them…

With that said, here’s to the people in our lives that allow us to be who we truly are.

In gratitude,
