Seattle Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue Coach

The Seasons In Our Life

Oftentimes in our life we wonder what went wrong to be in a “barren” cycle of our life. But what if there was a gift through it all?

Watch this recent live as I share this one question you can ask yourself to begin creating more space in your life during this crucial season in your life.

In wellness,


Friday Focus – 4/27/18 {Trust The Path}

This week’s theme is trust.

So often I’ve heard over and over again how being confused about what next step to take can be one of the most frustrating experiences a human can go through. To feel lost, without purpose, and trying to get back up, but no North Star pointing the way. What’s a person to do?

At times like this I tell others, and myself, to trust the path you’re on.

Just trust it. Every discomfort, from the uncomfortable emotions to all the triggers, is for a bigger perspective we just can’t see yet.

I’d like to think of these moments as a gift from the Universe. As if God is saying, “let’s see if you can tackle this one” so that we can evolve to begin the next chapter.

Sometimes we need to shed a few unnecessary and un-serving layers within our psyche to finally see the path, and unfortunately this is going to take as long as it needs.

But what we have always is trust. When we trust we become open, and when we are open we become lighter, and with this lightness of our minds we open our awareness enough to have true sight about the situation.

And with this we can begin to lessen our grip on control and breathe in a sigh of relief that things are unfolding for our betterment, and our focus can be to see things with curiosity instead of fear.

Afterall, through this curiosity we just may see the ah-ha…

In wellness,


This Is Supposed To Happen

Oftentimes our immediate reaction to something uncomfortable is to get as far as away as we can. However, what we don’t realize is what we avoid doesn’t dissolve, it stays exactly where it is until we come across it again or rather, it appears in a different shape or form so that we may learn the lesson.

What if instead we approached the discomfort with a knowing instead? Perhaps we may not know the answer or the why in the beginning, but what if we approached our deeper self with a wink and an, “ah- this is supposed to happen isn’t it?“.

What if there was an reason for what is happening? Whether it’s the current astrological conditions or physiological patterns of your body (i.e., hormones anyone?) there could be a billion reasons as to why you are feeling the way you’re feeling! And the conclusion shouldn’t be, “what’s wrong with me?!”.

Because trust me, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Hindsight is everything and if you’re anything like me, you’ll quickly realize there was a reason for every little thing you may have questioned.

So why not greet the discomfort with a thank you from your future self?

Here’s to trusting the flow and giving our best to each and every moment.

In wellness,


Photo by Lisa Verena Pape on Unsplash

Following The Emotional Breadcrumb

Oftentimes it’s easy to run away from our emotions. In this day and age, it’s almost too easy to numb out.

Whether that’s picking up the phone and checking Instagram or Facebook, reaching for the bag of chips, or turning on Netflix and binge watch a whole season of GOT. The options are a many.

And while it may seem scary to actually face the demons, sometimes that’s exactly what we have to do in order to see what’s really under the covers.

Remember when you were a little kid and you ran into your parent’s bedroom saying you couldn’t sleep because there was a monster under the bed, or maybe in the closet? Then your parents (or heck, maybe you even did it yourself!) would walk you back into the room and lift the covers or open the closet? There was nothing there and you faced your demons, the so called monster.

Facing our emotions takes work, but it’s the work we must do in order to integrate ourselves fully.

When we turn toward our emotions and follow the breadcrumbs of this feeling and that feeling, we begin peeling the layers of the onion and truly understanding ourselves on a deeper level. We may discover the true reason for our emotion was actually something completely different than the situation itself! We may even discover a limiting belief causing such pain on an conscious level.

Can we trust and love ourselves during this time? Can we maybe turn side ways the first time and gently feel into it so that next time we can turn the whole way into the depths of our emotions?

And no matter the answer – may we trust and love, just a little more, where we are in this moment.

In wellness,


Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Trusting Where You Are

Can you trust you are exactly where you need to be?

When you look back weeks, months, even (especially) years, can you see why things might have happened the way it has?

Can you trust you’ve been led to this place for more growth, wisdom, expanded heart, and love?

And through any present day resistance can you see where this might be leading you?

Can you sense a deeper part of you that might understand where this is going?

Can you have faith in knowing you are one step closer to where you want to be?

Can you feel, or blindly trust, or even desire you are being held ever so gently?

Have you felt love, however small or big in whatever fashion or from, from someone, something, or within YOU throughout your life journey?

If you answered yes to any of the above, can you trust you are exactly where you need to be?

With love.

Trust Over Fear

In an earlier post I wrote about enjoying the journey and the concept of being happy. In a nutshell… if you’re already on the journey you might as well choose happy right?! 

And while I say that… I know very well sometimes it’s all too easy to listen to the voice in your head. The voice that tells you all the reasons why you should worry, be anxious, or be fearful of the path. The voice that makes you question your intuition. The voice that seems SO logical, but in fact is full of irrationality.

Continue reading “Trust Over Fear”


Trust that your feelings of joy, delight, and self love are always leading you toward your higher good.

~Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer