Friday Focus – 2/23/18 {There’s Nothing To Worry About}

“Your conflicts, all the difficult things, the problematic situations in your life, are not chance or haphazard. They’re actually yours. Their specifically yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else.

The part of you that loves you more than anything else has created roadblocks to lead you to yourself. You’re not going to go in the right direction unless there’s something pricking you on the side telling you, “Look here! This way!”.  That part of you loves you so much that it doesn’t want you to lose the chance.

It will go to extreme measures to wake you up; it will make you suffer greatly if you don’t listen. What else can it do? That’s it’s purpose.”

~A.H. Almass

Every little thing that you worry about has a purpose. Look deep inside the worry and you will realize it is all for your own growth and expansion of your very own heart.

Love is the answer.

In wellness,


Photo by Schicka on Unsplash



The Seer

“The Seer holds a mirror so that you can see your true self, the soul who only knows Love.”

In wellness,


Photo by Nine Köpfer on Unsplash

Our Wholeness

“When you realize the depth of your soul, you know, the wholeness of who you really are, suddenly life gets a whole lot simpler.

In wellness,


Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

Micro vs. Macro

Are you living your life with a micro perspective or a macro perspective? Here’s what I mean; you get rejected from a sales opportunity, a friend, a lover, a job, a client, a barista, whatever it may be… and if you find yourself dwelling in the rejection this is micro living.

It’s important to learn, acknowledge, but what’s more important is to move on and look at the macro picture.

What is the bigger picture of your life? What is your purpose? If you are strong in your own vision of your self and your life the micro doesn’t need to paralyze you.

It doesn’t need to carry the weight you give it.

Give yourself permission to let go. You are precious. You have something to offer. You have an unlimited supply of energy within you if you tap into the right resource states we all have within ourselves.

We give ourselves too much of a hard time for what life is meant to be, which is why so much of this blog is dedicated to bringing greater awareness around neural networks, paving new pathways, mindfulness, and self compassion.

Live with lightness. Enjoy every second. Be grateful for every breath. Hug someone you love.

Live in the macro. It’s where you’re meant to be.

In wellness,


The Paradise Dilemma

I’m in Seoul for some much needed family time and I told myself I would stay away from technology.. but wanted to share what I call the Paradise Dilemma. Before I get into that though can we talk about how beautiful this city is? Today I felt the first REAL day of Fall! There was a certain crispness in the air and I can tell by the way the light is hitting the trees our Earth is shifting into Autumn. It’s beautiful. Despite everything that is going on in this country the people continue to be vivacious, kind, and ever so generous…

The other day one of my closest friends happened to have an overnight layover in Seoul and it was as if the 6 months that went by without talking to one another never even existed. We walked to at an adorable cafe in Bukchon village and had the biggest serving of Jeju green tea bingsoo (shaved ice) and chatted away until it was time for our next meal!

What I love about our friendship is that we get it. Despite the sometimes worried tone of the updates the truth is we get what’s really happening – that we are held always, that we are the master of our thoughts.

That’s where the Paradise Dilemma comes into play. You see, once our basic needs are met (food, shelter, saftey) we’re in paradise and suddenly our ego believes there’s always something better and bigger leaving us in a state of continuous wonderment as to whether or not this is actually true. Some thoughts that may leave you in this dilemma can be as simple or as complex as:

  • Is there someone better out there? (as you are in a steady relationship)
  • Could I be living a more exciting life?
  • Is this the job I’m really meant to have?
  • I wish I had a better community where I am truly accepted.
  • And the thoughts go on and on as you can imagine…

The problem doesn’t lie in the thought itself, it’s the slightest belief in the possibility that suddenly catapults us into some better, imaginary future.

Now, this doesn’t mean things are always black and white. There’s a fine line between buying into our a egoic thoughts and tapping into our truest potential.

So what’s the difference? How can we separate the two?

It’s detachment. It’s becoming aware of when you are identified with a story (even if it’s a future story). It’s knowing you are in heaven as we speak and the present is all there is. It’s giving your best with what you have and are capable of TODAY and surrendering all outcomes to your higher self. It’s understanding these thoughts are natural and giving them even more meaning just means you are breathing life into each passing thought. It’s understanding that the more you entertain and dwell in these worried thoughts it keeps you further and further away from one simple TRUTH – that the present is all we ever really have.

And just as important, it’s recognizing that what you are chasing is a feeling and for the most part that feeling can only be controlled by you and you alone. After all, when you acquire and/or achieve X there’s only a shinier, bigger, better object in the near future right?

That’s why I am so thankful for NLP, advancements in neuroscience and mindfulness. It’s our biggest protector against our own selves; that’s how smart we are!

With that said, I’m off to go on another urban hike through the city. Here’s to enjoying what is unfolding in each and every moment and being thankful for each and every breath we take.

In wellness,


Uncertainty Over Certainty

I was driving to one of my favorite parks yesterday when a major theme struck me: why uncertainty is a far better approach than certainty.

Don’t get me wrong, there are moments where a bit of strategy is important (like what to pack for your 5 day hiking trip, or how about making sure you do your due diligence before buying the house of your dreams?), but for the majority of our day our brains are caught up in trying to ensure certainty in EVERY moment. And that can be tiring as hell!

Not only is this tiring our minds but it’s tiring our souls. It’s not allowing for rest. When we rest we are allowing the right side of our brain to be in FLOW with our deeper selves and Mother Nature; we are allowing space for something much bigger than we possibly could have imagined.

So why not lean in? Trust the flow. Surrender. Allow yourself to let go of the worries and thoughts that actually control YOU.

Notice how much lighter you feel. How there’s space for possibility. How suddenly you aren’t filled with fear and what if’s; instead, you’re noticing your breath and how wonderful this moment really is.

Try it out. Trust me. Lean into uncertainty and remember this: you are ok and will always be ok.



Patterns That Rule Your Life

Happy Monday beautiful people!

Today I woke up inspired to share an absolute TRUTH of mine in hopes of sparking inspiration and positive change in your life starting today.

Did you know our entire lives are made up by patterns?


Patterned Behavior. Patterned Speech. Patterned Thoughts.

If you observe carefully you will notice that without fail one of these influences the other which influences the other until it reaches full circle and there you have the predictive results of our lives.

Why is it then that we always aim to change the outcome yet fail to get the desired results?

It’s simple. We have yet to change our neural pathway for the new pattern to exist.

Thankfully, you don’t have to willpower your way through this. Whether it’s losing weight, becoming a happier person, stressing less, etc. you don’t have to grit your teeth through the process.

If you desire the change at your CORE you are already half way there. Through NLP (neuro linguistic programming), focused awareness techniques, and self hypnosis work you, yes YOU, can make a positive change and begin living your BEST LIFE.

I firmly believe we are all capable of making the change we desire. This is a crucial first step toward success.

The bigger question is, do you? If there is even a hint of yes in you then you are more than capable of making the change you desire in your life.

Have faith, do the work, be mindful of where your thoughts take you, and equally as important, hand select and surround yourself with your very own network of guides, teachers, and angels.

In wellness,


Adventure & Mindset

​”A grand adventure is about to begin.”

~Winnie the Pooh

How often do you wake up and view life as an adventure? An untold story waiting to unfold?

The first few moments of waking up from your dreamy, hypnotic state is the best time to daydream into your adventures. Allow your mind to relax knowing you are held. 

Remember, there is no need to control anything, except for the allowing of what is in complete surrender and faith.


Milky Way

The Never Forget List


? Be bold
? Define what happiness, your role, your life looks like, and insist on it
? Own your yes and own your no
? Do not fear failure
? Stay detached

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset
Taken at Haleakala, Maui

This list was written years ago and often changes but I keep it handy for the turbulent times, the fearful times, or the times when I suddenly feel off kilter so that I can find my voice amidst the storm.

There are many other ways to find your voice, this is simply one of the easiest ways I personally deploy as a quick and easy reminder by having it as one of my notes on my phone.

Here’s a simple exercise to get you started on your list.. what’s ONE thing you never want to forget? No matter what is happening in your life, what is the ONE thing you never want to lose sight of in ordinary, and of course the not so ordinary moments?

I encourage everyone to take some time to think of their list. You may be surprised to see what you find 😉



Knowing Your Truth

What does it mean to go IN? To be still? To know your truth? To muddle the outside (and sometimes inside) voices so that you can finally hear and feel your own personal power? To finally feel the expansive freedom that comes with knowing THIS truth?
Just remember, all that ever matters is the coming back to this.. the constant remembrance and living out from this beautiful place that lies within all of us.

Photo by the wonderful Jakob Owens