Change Starts With You

No matter how much knowledge we have accumulated there will never be a “right” time than now. Start stepping toward your dream life now.

Adrenal Fatigue Mindset Coach

Do the change. No one else will do it for you.

Because who better to do it than you?

In wellness,


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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Coaching for limiting beliefs

Friday Focus – 6/22/18 {The One Word That Indicates You Have A Limiting Belief}

We’ve all been there before, limiting beliefs and all, because we’re only human, right? But you know what? Whether we like it or not, it’s in our evolution to break free from old patterns and continue to grow – it’s how we’re wired.

I get it, oftentimes it can be hard to separate truth from illusion. Sometimes we’re so deep in the thick of things it REALLY DOES seems as if we’re incapable of going after what we want.

I’m here to tell you it IS possible, but first, we need to identify when those limiting beliefs start to creep into our thoughts and penetrate our lives.

coaching for adrenal fatigue

A very effective and easy way to identify a limiting belief is by catching one word:




Do you already see the ways in which the words that follow “but” can seem so true, yet doesn’t serve you? Here are a few examples:

  • …but I’m just not wired that way
  • …but s/he was born with those gifts, I wasn’t
  • …yeah, but it won’t work for me
  • …but my body type won’t let me lose these last 5 pounds
  • …but I’m too old to start something new

Honestly, the list can go on and on!

The good news is you have a mindful way of catching yourself, and as you do, make sure you aren’t judging the thought or yourself. The point isn’t to replace the “but” thought with another negative, judgmental thought!

Words are strong, watch what you say in passing.

Now is the time more than ever to deeply inquire with curiosity and compassion at what the root of your limiting belief is. Notice how your limiting beliefs hold you back from what you truly want out of life.

Remember, thoughts create action but if you have a limiting thought you can’t rely on a miracle to get you what you truly desire.

If it’s too hard to go the 180 from a limiting belief to a positive belief, try going to a neutral belief.

For example, if your limiting belief is, “I can’t stand my body”, and your positive belief statement is, “I love my body”, but you don’t find yourself completely believing it, try focusing on, “I have a body”.

The more you practice the neutral, bridging the thought the more you create capacity in your brain for better, positive thoughts that actually get you the results you want.

We all have limiting beliefs but they are truly a gift in disguise, because they point us toward what we really want.

In wellness,


Never Miss an Announcement!

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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Friday Focus – 6/15/18 {How To Get Perspective Immediately}

Now that you know how Thought Management works at a high level and you understand just how powerful our brains are, you need to put it all into practice. This means getting to know your inner world – A LOT.

  • Understanding your bodily reactions to emotions
  • Fully feeling a feeling all the way through (approximately 90 seconds)
  • Noticing every thought
  • Restructuring non-serving thoughts

Warning: there will be those times when a situation seems extra sticky.

How to get perspective immediately

One way to gain perspective immediately when a certain situation is tough is to state out loud: “This thoughts is challenging”.

First, by speaking it out loud we aren’t creating a running loop in our minds. Secondly, when you label a thought as “challenging” you immediately create space between you and the thought – you become the observer.

If you want to up-level your thinking try watching the thought with compassion and curiosity. That’s when the real magic happens.

Thoughts are funny. They mean so much to us and yet they don’t need to mean anything at all. We decide to give one thought much more meaning than another (i.e., I’m not good enough vs. I love my effort), but who’s to really say the negative thought is true? The better question to ask is, “is this serving me?”.

Now I’m curious, what is one way you gain perspective when you need it the most? Share your most helpful tips. You never know who you might impact today 🙂

In wellness,


Never Miss an Announcement!

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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash

Our Brains Are Creative Machines – Is It Working FOR You?

Did you know that everything we do is creative? That we are creative in nature and creation itself?

Our brains are constantly creating whether we know it or not. Whether it’s thinking, doing, or working physically to keep our bodies going.., we are in motion all the time.

Just as we are creative we were given the power of free will. We are in control 100% of the time and it all starts with a thought. What do you choose to believe?

In mindfulness practice we learn we are the observer of our thoughts and not the thoughts we are thinking. We also learn we are so good at creating stories we actually believe them.

When we start to get good at being the watcher we begin to create separation between self and thought, and when we do this, we begin to understand we are not our thoughts at all. Pause a minute because that’s HUGE.

It’s as if we were inside the movie this whole time and yet we didn’t realize we were the director of it all.

Our brains are smart. And it’s efficient. It will always be working on something, and because it’s efficient it will always work on what is easiest and safest. It’s what are primitive brains grew up knowing in order to survive.

But once we realize our thoughts and behaviors are mostly habituated patterns we can take back the power and start to reinstate new thoughts and behaviors that serve who we are today.

Just as it was easy for your brain to operate at a certain level, you need to put in the work and create a new neural pathway for your new level of operation. Think of it as a software upgrade for your computer, except this time, it’s for your brain.

The way in which we do this is actual practice. Thinking the new thought, following through on new actions, and committing to it all. After all, your commitment to think old thoughts and act in old ways is what got you the results you have today right?

Remember, our brains are creative machines and the power is in YOUR hands. Here’s to new ways of living.

In wellness,


Never Miss an Announcement!

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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

How To Live A Happier Life

A lot of people have told me how cheerful I seem to be, and they always ask, “how are you so happy?”.

Personally, I know that the word “happy” is very elusive. If you’ve been around on the blog much you know my belief that there is no such thing as being happy one hundred percent of the time. I believe life is 50/50. There will be the hard times and the good times, and that’s what life is supposed to be about. It is through these times that we grow and evolve and get to know ourselves at an even deeper level. It’s during these times we also get a better understanding of our preferences (what we like more of and what we don’t like more of), and what it means to be on this journey.

The better word that I like to use is optimism, or another way to put it is Thought Management. What is Thought Management? Thought Management is the ability to be mindful of the thoughts that are in our brain and constructively structure our thoughts to better serve us so that we subsequently feel better.

I have learned to be optimistic by managing my thoughts.

Continue reading to learn the core principles you must first understand, or you can jump to #3. Let’s get to it!

Core Principles:

  1. Humans love stories and we’ve learned to make EVERYTHING a story
  2. Our brains are always focused on something
  3. Thoughts create feelings
  4. How you frame a thought or question is everything
  5. Apply compassion

Humans love stories and we’ve learned to make EVERYTHING a story

It’s been covered by anthropologists, scientists and philosophers, and they’ve all concluded humans love stories. We’ve existed and possibly survived due to stories.

According to an article in The New Yorker, “Gottschall’s encouraging thesis is that human beings are natural storytellers—that they can’t help telling stories, and that they turn things that aren’t really stories into stories because they like narratives so much.”

And here’s another piece by Wired, “Just as the brain detects patterns in the visual forms of nature – a face, a figure, a flower – and in sound, so too it detects patterns in information. Stories are recognizable patterns, and in those patterns we find meaning. We use stories to make sense of our world and to share that understanding with others. They are the signal within the noise.”

Unfortunately, what was used as a way to survive and continue our expansion of growth as an early species, we now use to spin ourselves into a web of micro stories that simply keep our brains preoccupied at our own expense.

What was once used as instruction is now such a habituated pattern and behavior in our everyday lives that we can’t tell fact from story – and this causes a lot of drama.

For example, let’s say you go to a work function and you notice your boss talking to other people, but not you. The FACT of the evening is, you and your boss did not exchange words. But what’s the story you would tell yourself? What’s so interesting is that if you ask 100 people the same question there would be a wild number of variant responses. What are you supposed to believe is true? If there are 100 type of responses who’s to say your story is right? Could it be just another thought? If it is just a thought (and it is), why not choose another thought that better serves you?

In addition, as a society we have labeled and identified everything we see and have provided meaning as a way to make “sense” of the world in order to govern large bodies of people living together.

For example, we put someone’s face on a piece of paper and made sure they were the exact size, color, and print in order to call it money. And from there, we have created hundreds of micro stories to make “money” mean something. What’s fascinating is that to one person, their thought about money is they earn just enough to pay the bills and couldn’t be happier, while another person can never have enough money even though they make 10 times as much the first person. They each make money mean something differently by the stories they tell themselves. Who’s right? The fact is, it’s a piece of paper that society uses as a systematic way of governance. What do you make it mean to you?

Our brains are always focused on something

It’s true. Our brains are wired to solve problems. The key here is to be mindful of what thoughts you are feeding your brain and make sure you aren’t using negative affirmations, because remember, the unconscious only understands positive language. Thank God because who wants to be nagged all the time?

Let me explain. Let’s say you are training your child to ride a bicycle without the training wheels and you notice your child staring down at his feet instead of where s/he’s going, so you say, “Don’t stare at your feet!”. Wait another 30 seconds and watch what they do, not to mention how they might feel scolded instead of encouraged.

On the other hand, let’s say you say, “Good job kiddo! Keep looking at where you’re going!”.

What feels better? Which directive promotes more confidence?

Since our brains are constantly focused on something anyway, why not go about it in a more positive way?

Our brains are powerful machines. Give it something powerful to do for your life.

Thoughts create feelings

For those of you that skipped ahead this is the key to managing your thoughts.

Notice whenever you have an uncomfortable or negative emotion, the thought preceding the emotion is negative as well. The key here is to be mindful of what stories we tell ourselves and why we give the thought the meaning that it does.

Sounds simple but in the beginning this requires WORK.

When you understand that every feeling you ever have is caused by a thought (unconscious or conscious), you can begin to understand you are never NOT in control of any situation.

It’s never the situation that causes your emotions, it’s always the thought (story, meaning, etc.) you give it that causes you to feel a certain way.

How you frame a thought or question is everything

If thoughts create feelings then how you frame a thought or question is EVERYTHING.

Is life happening TO you or FOR you?

Is everything an opportunity or an obstacle?

Is the glass half empty or half full?

Is the rain a downer or a gift?

Apply compassion

At the end of the day we are all on a journey. Sometimes the journey takes us to the deepest crevices of the earth, and sometimes the journey takes us to the highest of peaks. No matter where you are, have compassion for yourself and others.

We’re all having the same human experience. Emotions are tough, but when we know we can get through any emotion through acceptance and compassion, that is where we begin to build our own personal power.

So am I happy 100% of the time? Absolutely not. Am I optimistic? I sure am.

Here’s to living a life with the right perceptual intelligence and using thought management to help us.

In wellness,

Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash

Your Imagination: How Often Do You Use It?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

~Albert Einstein

A little inspiration on this beautiful Monday morning!

Could we ever have imagined a life where letters would come from a screen? Where you can punch a few numbers and contact your mom in less than 2 seconds? Where you can see virtual pictures of anywhere in the world through a tiny screen in your hand? Where you can press a button and have whatever you want delivered to your doorstep in a few hours?

Our brains do such a good job of keeping a record of our capabilities based on past results, but it also does a good job of keeping you exactly where you are because it’s safe.

In the past, we needed to be safe. Safe from lions, safe from starvation, safe from blistering cold weather.

Now? Now we know better yet our brains haven’t evolved with our pre-frontal cortex.

So, how are YOU using your imagination to dream big? What NEW frontiers are you asking of yourself so that you can grow and evolve to a bigger, better version of you?

In wellness,


Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 5/18/18 {Managing Expectations}

When we give ourselves a moment to think about what we really want in our lives, we, for better or for worse, realize the imaginings of a perfect fairytale.

We want the perfect partner and loving relationship, we want a career that fulfills us, we want a beautiful home with perfect neighbors who become our best friends, we want to travel the world and have the most exciting foreign experiences, and so it goes on.

While desiring a certain level of success and growth of our own potential is perfectly normal, what gets us into trouble is with our expectations.

Typically when we think of these future focused desires what we aren’t thinking about is the reality of life:

  • The inevitable arguments and ups and downs of any intimate relationship that, if handled well, only strengthen the bond between two people
  • The nuances of what it means to work with other people as you are on the path of a fulfilling career
  • The renovations of an aging house
  • The airport delays and possibly even stomach flus we get while traveling to foreign countries

And the moment our expectations aren’t met we end up having a harder time managing our mind and the myriad if emotions that surface.

What if instead we understood life was 50/50? That when we come across the valley, we understand it will take time to cross it in order to get to the mountain top.

Instead of being surprised, angry, or frustrated when things don’t go your way, because hey, life right?, we are met with acceptance and understanding that sometimes things happen.

All of this is said so that when we manage our expectations we are allowing and living with more lightness in our lives. Less heaviness, yearning, grasping and more lightness.

Can you notice a subtle shift?

When looking back at your most recent disappointment, what was you expectation of the outcome? How did you manage your emotions and how can you use the 50/50 rule when it comes the future expectations?

So, here’s to managing our expectations and allowing more lightness into our lives.

In wellness,


Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Unsplash

The Secret

“Therefore the secret of all power, all achievement, and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.

This is true because we must be before we can do, and that we can do only to the extent which we are, and what we are depends upon what we think.”

~Charles F. Haanel

Our minds can lead us to the largest and unthinkable potential of ourselves or the exact opposite.

What thoughts are you thinking yourself towards today?

In mindful wellness,


Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Unsplash

Language & Beliefs

Your language is a window into your beliefs, and your beliefs are a window into your vibrational state. Take a moment today to identify FIRST where you want to be and how you want to feel, and now reverse engineer the process.

It’s so simple yet incredibly true and powerful when you do the work. Take a quiet moment to think about how you want to feel and then use the beliefs and language you need to support this.

In other news, I’ve been writing a lot about quiet time and creativity, and my creativity is exploding! Let me share this beautiful creation with you:

Processed with VSCO with f2 presetProcessed with VSCO with f2 preset

Creating this mala took hours. From the time it takes to intentionally sit with each stone and feel what it is you are drawn to, designing the mala, and then of course hand knotting each bead and pouring your intention into it. It’s quite meditative and such a beautiful process.

Did you know that Rose Quartz is one of the most popular stones for it’s loving qualities? This stone encourages love, nurturing, and warmth, and vibrates at the heart chakra and is a vibration of a high, deep love. It is often helpful for emotional healing as well as faith and hope.

And the Opal Quartz is a stone that inspires hope, creativity, and imagination. Due to it’s larger proportion of the water element, Opal is known to provide deep support during times of transition or hardship. This stone is also said to be a stone of love, helping a still heart to receive and give love, warmth, and peace. Opal has a sense of fragility, lightness, and yet a fierceness as the way the light dances to the spectrum of colors within each Opal stone. This stone also enhances cosmic and psychic consciousness, while cleansing the aura.

I thought the combination of Rose and Opal was perfect.

I’ll be spending some time creating more of these beauties and starting a ceramics class as well, but don’t worry, when I have a burning desire to share knowledge for positive change and growth you can be sure the Blog will be the first place I post.

In loving kindness,


New York

Oh New York, how do I describe you?

I just returned from an intensive diving deep into the world of change work, NLP, unconscious mind training, neuroscience, embodied cognition, and so much more. Having experienced this work firsthand, months prior, undoubtedly allowed me to take these new findings to a whole other level. A level to where I have seen its effectiveness and how my current practice and frameworks are not only compatible, but strengthened with this new information.

Despite having around 3 hours of sleep a night (I blame it on the broken service door on our floor at the hotel. Every time room service needed to access the room, the door would slam shut and rattle all the other doors on our floor! But I digress…?) my energy levels have never been higher! The pure energy one feels when you know you are making an incredible difference in peoples lives is exhilarating.

Thank you to all my teachers, students, colleagues, friends, and to every single person (stranger or not) I met in New York – THANK YOU! Your kindness is mindblowingly heart warming and I can’t wait to be back.

With much love,
