Friday Focus – 1/5/18 {Magic Of The Unknown}

Happy first Friday of 2018!

With the holidays having come to a close it’s certainly been hard to say “see you later” to family members and friends alike, but having said that I am earnestly looking forward to what unfolds for this upcoming year.

You see, there’s something special about surrendering to the magic of the unknown… to watch the unfoldment of a beautiful, divine orchestration… that’s magic.

That’s not to say hard work and setting intentions around the areas of desired change fly out the window. Far from it! Rather, it’s the tone in which these efforts are carried out that make all the difference.

With surrender there is a lightness to how you move, do, say, BE. It allows for possibility, flexibility, and perhaps an unknown angle that might have escaped you had you kept your focus narrow on specific goals.

When we surrender the outcome and watch what unfolds, we are being mindful of our desires. We are being mindful of our actions & reactions. We are being mindful in hopes that we can see clearly enough to take the next step.

So here’s to allowing more magic into our lives. The twists and turns that life takes us through can be a beautiful journey, not a burden. May we surrender to the magic of the unknown…

In wellness,


Photo by Matt Quinn on Unsplash

Summer lavender

Life Is Unfolding FOR You

“Nature doesn’t waste anything.”
~Anne Ortelee

Never feel as if you’ve wasted your time. There is always a lesson. So much of how we view life is not based on the actual experience it is based on our BELIEFS of our experiences. Believe this…

  • You are already perfect
  • Life is unfolding FOR you not AT you
  • Your reality is a replica of your beliefs
  • Mindset is everything

A little magic and lavender from the garden on this beautiful Monday morning… No matter where you are or what feels as if is happening to you, just remember you are never alone and positive change can happen in any moment.

In wellness,


YOU Are Perfect

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

~La Desiderata