Understanding and Honoring Your Energy

In the last post I mentioned starting a new project, and with starting any new project I dive in 100%. The excitement and working with people I love is what drives me.

However, the twist to this was that it requires 60% travel along the west coast.

Now, I haven’t traveled this much in years and what I’ve realized is that there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed! That’s an understatement of the year 😉

What’s changed this year compared to years prior is that I have a deep relationship with my body and my energy, and I know when I’m reaching my limit.

The first few weeks of travel was amazing, but my regular routine of yoga and strength training was slowly dwindling due to dinner meetings and the only thing that was keeping my sanity in check was my daily meditation practice (and of course my soul gatherings with the people I love).

As the weeks went by I was noticing my energy levels decreasing during the day. I would reach for my adrenal assist supplements and practice deep breathing much more than usual, and that I noticed immediately. The culprit? Not enough sleep and not feeling comfortable enough to have a good night’s rest in someone else’s bed.

I knew in my gut that I needed to stop traveling for a while. I had gotten into a rhythm with my clients and built a solid trust and work ethic so I knew they wouldn’t even blink an eye. It was up to me  whether or not I could honor my body and my energy, or lack there of.

It’s hard saying no when what you’re saying “no” to something that doesn’t seem bad at all. Traveling to amazing cities, working with clients you love, and getting to see some of your best friends – who thinks that is something anyone should have to say no to?!

But it was the condition in which I had to endure to get to do these things and that is what was eating at my health, and without health you really can’t enjoy anything.

Tuning in to how you feel on a daily basis is key. What’s helped me in determining my decision was checking in with my heart center and tuning in – how are you doing? how is the body doing? And listening to the stillness…you’ll hear the answer loud and clear.
