Adrenal Fatigue Stress Coach

What We All Have In Common

I know some pretty amazing successful people, the kind of people that drive fancy cars, own big businesses and seem to have it all. And I also know people that are, well, regular people.

But you know what we all have in common? Doubt.

Adrenal Fatigue Mindset Coach

We all have those mornings where we wake up wondering what the heck we are doing.

We wake up wondering am I on the right path.

We wake up fearing what we are going to do that day because we know it’s beyond our Edge.

We wake up depressed wondering why we are feeling the way that we do.

And I’m here to tell you that you are not the only one feeling these feelings.

These are experiences that we have because we are human. As long as we’re here on Earth we’re going to feel all the feels. And it’s up to you on how you want to transform this feeling, because it’s going to come back, and it’s how you think about what it means that is going to make or break you.

You’re not special for having these feelings, because everybody is special and has these feelings. You’re not the only one, nor are you weird for feeling these feelings.

There is nothing wrong with you there is everything right about you. So don’t let something like a feeling be in your way. Go out there and be big.

In wellness,


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Susan Choi is an Integrative Life Coach and helps people experiencing deep adrenal fatigue and other auto-immune illness manage their recovery by focusing on optimizing their mental state. Learn a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that you can finally tap into your own personal power.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash