Why Everyone Will Have A Coach In The Future

Yesterday, I wrote on how exercising the mind is just as important as exercising the body, and today, I wanted to share why I believe everyone will have a coach of some kind in the future.

To be honest, informally we already have them! Whether you know it or not, you receive some form of therapeutic benefit from your local yoga instructor, your boss, a dear friend, or heck, someone you may randomly meet at a dog park. In certain ways over a period of our lives, we’ll run into people that help relieve some part of our psyche, whether it was through their words, the safe space they provided, or their presence alone.

For example, have you ever left a Soul Cycle or a Yoga class in a completely zen state? Perhaps there was something about the instructor’s words that spoke to your heart and reached into a part of your brain that sensed relief, peace even. Or how about standing in line at the DMV and somehow you meet someone who was able to give you a hit of inspiration.

You see with the way technology is integrating every aspect of our inner and outer lives, and therefore making it hard to “turn off” and “slow down”, it’s no wonder more and more people are searching for ways to feel a sense of ease!

The rise of meditation, spirituality, psychedelic use, and personal development are on the rise and it’s not hard to guess why. We need relief. And it’s a good thing we’re recognizing it!

Our world is a lot more complicated than it used to be. Prior to the kind of technology that crept into our personal lives we were left to perceive the world through the tangible interactions and experiences we had; and now with the introduction of social media and text (to name a few) we are left for a lot more room for perception and interpretation in ways that are driving our minds crazy.

So where does that leave us? For one, it’s important to invest in your own personal practice of inner stillness. Working on meditation, being out in nature, journaling, taking hot baths, whatever it is that works for YOU, finding a personal practice that will build your inner stillness will be more important than ever.

And just like how there are coaches and trainers for just about anything, looking to a coach, therapist, whomever it is that you need, will be a growing trend. No longer will there be a stigma around having a personal relationship with a coach or therapist just as there is no stigma around having a personal trainer or chef! As we continue to appreciate and understand the importance of our minds (as we currently do our bodies) we will come to realize having someone to guide your mental life is just as important of an investment to yourself.

So, in what ways can you see having a third party perspective be helpful for you? In what ways, whether you realize it or not, do you find mental relief currently? What are the easiest ways of releasing stress for you and can you incorporate this into your life daily?

With that said, here’s to more stillness and building our own personal power so that we can dance  with this beautiful life with more ease and grace.

In wellness,


Photo by Anna Demianenko on Unsplash