Seattle Stress and Overeating Coach

Why You’re NOT Reaching Your Goals

I see a lot of people who set goals and not reach them…


It’s simple really, though it may be hard to grasp if you’re head isn’t screwed on right today 😉

Most often people set goals and don’t feel good about it (for long).

And what does not feeling good imply?

“I’m not worthy”

“This is impossible”

“Why bother”

“Is this even worth the trouble?”

And what do these following statements actually get you?





And most importantly, you’ve already convinced your subconscious that there is SERIOUS lack in your life RIGHT NOW because you’re so focused on a future goal you can’t enjoy what’s actually going on in your life.

It’s no wonder we can’t reach our goals in a more faster and efficient way!

When we set goals the single most important thing you need is this:


What would a person that doesn’t stress about work or people think and feel like?

What would a person wanting to lose 8 pounds actually do day in and day out?

What would a person who wants to be happy be thinking about?

It all comes down to identity…

What I see a lot of people do instead is keep their current identity and will power their way to the next level. And that’s a whole lotta WORK!!!

So set your mind straight first.

Think and feel from your future self.

Don’t waste your time and precious energy trying to white knuckle your way there…

Because trust me, there is a much simpler, faster way to reach your goal, and I’ll be cheering you on from the side lines.

In wellness,
