Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Coach

You Got Your Goal. Now What?

I’ve been watching a documentary following a group of people along a journey walking the Camino de Santiago to their final destination Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It’s been fascinating to watch because it brings to light just how true the saying goes, “it’s all about the journey, not the destination”.

And if you’re at all familiar with dopamine and how the brain works, then you know all too well once you’ve maintained a level of “reward” in the brain, it needs higher levels to feel rewarded.

Seattle Stress Management & Burnout Coach, Adrenal Fatigue Coach

That’s what happens to us when we reach our goal. For a time being we’re ecstatic. We’re walking on cloud nine because it’s what we wanted ALL along!

Then comes the inevitable questions, “Is this it? What’s next?”

What I want you to know is this is completely normal. Your brain needs another reward, AND as human beings we crave evolution… so naturally, you’re going to want to stretch yourself and target a new goal.

Are you starting to see the cycle?

There IS no final destination folks! We’re all in it for the journey because your goal keeps evolving.

To some, this is terrible news… but to others, this is a HUGE relief!

Now you’re in the mindset of enjoying the process, because the process is ALL THERE EVER WAS AND IS.

So keep that in mind…

There’s no rush to your goal, because goals are forever. It’s about enjoying every minute of every day because the journey will determine how you live your life.

The only moment we have is now. How will you use it?

In wellness,
