You Might As Well Be Happy

This past weekend I went on an epic hike with my brother (and the little pup!) to Swak Mountain. We chose Swak because we knew how busy the other nearby trails would be and we really wanted to unleash the pup and let him roam 🙂 Speaking of trails… I just love how close these hikes, trails, and mountains are!!!

We get to Swak and the parking lot is packed! Fortunately the mountain is SO huge with tons of tiny trails that we didn’t really run into too many others and the pup was able to roam. Happy dog.

As I took in the wonder of nature we finally reached one of the trail peaks and started our journey down back to the trail head. We took a left, then a right, then another right, and then we finally decided to look at the GPS.


What we didn’t realize was that the tiny little trails all didn’t lead back to the same trail head…. DOH! For some reason I thought this was the case but clearly not…

My brother took a closer look at the map and we calculated another hour and a half back to where the car was. An hour and a half… 90 minutes… eternity!

Dramatic I know.

You see, we were already on the trail for 3 hours, and back squatting on the previous day wasn’t helping the hammies feel any better about 90 additional minutes of going back up and down the mountain 🙂

But I say that all jokingly and started laughing and smiling to myself. I love how we get BIG reminders from time to time on life’s biggest lessons – ENJOY THE JOURNEY.

You see, no matter what happens, whether it’s 30 minutes or 120 minutes, we were going to have to go back up the mountain.

So as we trekked back up I thought to myself, “you might as well be happy”.

Because you see, we all have a CHOICE in each and every moment. It is never the circumstance that makes us unhappy, stressed, or anxious. It is always our reaction.

And I loved how nature provided that reminder 🙂

So no matter what… knowing for the most part you are safe, be happy. Choose happy while you’re on the journey and see how life reflects back at you.
